Meeting John Gurche!!
When I got an offer of the Bartels Intern at Cornell, one of the ideas came to my head was "I should get a chance to meet John Gurche!"...
Finished a dozon of PaleoArt
Finally finished creating the rest pages for 6 species. This PaleoArt project took total one year and a half (if I add studying, it took...
Added Australopithecus sediba at PaleoArt. This species was the brand new species just published when I was taking the lecture. My...
Added Neandertal page at Paleo Art. So many studies have done for this speceis. I did not describe anything about Genome study in the...
Added Ardipithecus ramidus page at Paleo Art. This guy (sorry, girl) made me realize that Paleoanthropology keeps updating and never ending.
Lucy, Human, and Chimp
I made so-called "plate" (subjects with labels) for Australopithecus afarensis, Homo sapiens, and Pan troglodyetes with reference lists....