Smithsonian Fish Illustration
Besides working for the Division of Birds of Smithsonian, I have been drawing fishes for the Division of Fishes. Like ornithologists care...

Back to Birds!
I started working at the Division of Birds at Smithsonian from few weeks ago after finishing beetle illustration project. So, back to...

Dominican new species
My work for the USDA/Smithsonian Institution is to create scientific illustrations for new species discovered by Dr. Konstantinov and...

Smithsonian Elephant
While doing an assistant for Jane, I had a chance to visit the Smithsonian Institution Natural Museum of Natural History at Washington...

Finished a dozon of PaleoArt
Finally finished creating the rest pages for 6 species. This PaleoArt project took total one year and a half (if I add studying, it took...

Added water color radish at Natural Science Illustration. Gouache was also used for the highlight. I always do some experiment for water...

Added Australopithecus sediba at PaleoArt. This species was the brand new species just published when I was taking the lecture. My...

Added Neandertal page at Paleo Art. So many studies have done for this speceis. I did not describe anything about Genome study in the...

Added Western Sword Fern to Natural Science Illustration. This fern was taken from the backyard. I am learning botanical illustration...

Added Ardipithecus ramidus page at Paleo Art. This guy (sorry, girl) made me realize that Paleoanthropology keeps updating and never ending.